Rep. Russo Announces Run to Replace Stivers in Ohio’s 15th Congressional District

Allison Russo


Ohio Rep. Allison Russo (D-24-Upper Arlington) announced on Tuesday that she will be running for U.S. Congress in the upcoming special election.

Russo will be running for the U.S. House of Representatives seat left vacant by the upcoming resignation of U.S. Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH). The seat represents Ohio’s 15th district.

“We all want the opportunity to earn a decent living, have good schools for our kids, afford the healthcare we need and retire in security,” Russo said in a video announcing her candidacy. “We’re all chasing the American dream, even if we have a different vision of what that looks like.”

Russo is currently serving her second term in the state legislature and is a ranking member of the House Health Committee. She also serves on the Finance Committee; Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; State and Local Government Committee; Families, Aging and Human Services Committee; and the Joint Medicaid Oversight Committee.

She also serves on the attorney general’s Elder Abuse Commission and the Ohio Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission

In her announcement, Russo slammed current Ohio leaders, saying that they have been “busy helping billionaires, writing policy in back rooms and collecting checks along the way.”

“Ohio needs an economy that values the middle class, people who work for a living, not just the rich and powerful,” she said, adding that she supports paid daily leave and affordable childcare.

The partisan primary for the special election will take place on August 3, with the general election for the seat taking place on November 2, according to the governor’s office.

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Jordyn Pair is a reporter with The Ohio Star and the Star News Network. Follow her on Twitter at @JordynPair.










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